Monday, June 27, 2016

Chapter 31 Lalo

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare.

Place: Omo Valley

Time: Cant remember

I consider myself to be very lucky to have crossed paths with Lalo.  For the better part of 4 days we hung out together, jeeping way up into the mountains to see the wild African tribes in the jungles and even a wonderful invitation over to his parents house for dinner.

I normally never hire a guide. In the Omo valley however you have no choice. Left to your own you would never know where in the hidden recesses of the mountains hours away that the various tribes live. Furthermore you need a 4x to navigate the rough terrain.

Lalo was easy going, fun, laid back, spoke good english, was competent, a great driver and understood the western mentality well. My god!...he even showed up punctually every time...and even early.....(must be the only guy in all of Africa to do that).

I hope to keep contact with Lalo in the future. I know a quality person when I see one.

Here are a few shots of Lalo and our time together....

Walia beer , both Lalo and I agree that it is the best of the bunch, but it still can't hold a candle to many beers I have had in Africa. 

We are eating at Lalo's parents house. The electricity in the village has been out for a couple days so we eat by candle light and my halogen head lamp.

Lalo's father ....they all wait to eat until we are done. Lalo and I eat with our hands from a communal bowl which is typical in Ethiopia.