Friday, July 8, 2016

Chapter 39 Bells, Whistles and Bowling Shoes

"A good person will do good things. A bad person will do bad things. But to get a good person to do bad things, it takes religion."-   Proverb/ Anonymous

Place: Lalibela, Northern Ethiopia

Time: June 29-30

I hate religion. EVERY religion. Its ALL a load of crap. 

In traveling 52 Countries I have seen most of the worlds religions up close and personal.  I find it abhorrent and sad that so many people waste their lives and money with such devotion to science fiction.  For me its all a bunch of bells, whistles and bowling shoes. 

One thing that religion does get right however is architecture and costumes. After all, if you are going to cavort with the divine, you might as well do it in style. Below are a few shots I took in Lalibela of the St. Mary's day procession. 

A cheery bunch. How can I join?

Religion always has music. WHY? Why music? How do they know what the divine really wants to listen to? 
If I were God I wished they would play Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti album....
.....Pink Floyd's  Animals  album would also win my followers blessings from on high. 
But these bongos and dancing? Wheres that channel remote?

Money!  All religion claims it is backed by the DIVINE and relies on God but they all have a money box.   I find the two completely contradictory.  Certainly God can pay for his own cheerleaders...
....cant he?

I had to take my Red Wing boots off before entering the Church but this guy waltzed  in like Mary Poppins.  What happened to "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Religious Service?
 I wish I was rich to be able to fly him into spoiled Wayzata Minnesota and see the looks on the faces of the girls who have to give him a pedicure.  Haa haaaaaa!

Leprocy victim or tired of the flies? I never found out which.

All the priests and nuns carried around this golf putter.  Why??? 
I wonder if they could hit the ball over the ramp and into the clowns mouth on the 18th putt-putt hole?  Fore!

People wrongly believed the media when they said Ray Charles was dead. He actually moved to Ethiopia, and started a band called Orthodox.  He just needed a change of scenery- bro!

I made the mistake of telling this woman on the right about the creamy, delicious goodness of Blue Moon Beer and how it isn't available in Ethiopia. 

Bowing down. Why??? Certainly a divine being can see into your heart and know you are humble or not. You don't have to get your pyjamas dirty to prove anything. 

You always have to have the right hat, cape and stick if you are going to appease the Omnipotent.

Most religions burn candles and kiss rocks